What You Should Avoid After Botox Treatment

Botox is a marvelous treatment that helps smooth your facial lines and wrinkles. There are no harmful side effects when you choose Botox Limassol. The recovery time is also minimal after the treatment. You should select Botox injections to notice results with your overall wrinkles. But what are the few things you should avoid after the Botox treatment? Let’s discuss about them.

Rubbing the face

After the Botox treatment, you may feel a little bit of discomfort. But it will not be painful. This is only because the facial muscles may tense up. However, you should avoid rubbing your face after the treatment. Rubbing or massaging can add even more stress. So, you should let the discomfort go away on its own.

Sun and heat

Usually, when you are overexposed to the sun, you may notice sunburn, tanning, and several other such effects. But after Botox treatment, you need to be extra careful. Once you get Botox treatment, the sun can have several unwanted effects. It may result in darkening spots on the treated areas. This can increase the overall recovery time after the treatment. So, you should not spend much time in the sun after your Botox.

Intense exercises

Just after your Botox in Cyprus procedure, you should avoid exercising. Hence, you should avoid any kind of intense exercise till some time has passed. Choose lighter exercises after your Botox treatment for at least a few days. Only switch to your intense routine once the Botox professional approves.


If you drink alcohol after your Botox procedure, this may cause unwanted side effects, such as swelling or skin sensitivity. You should also consult your healthcare professional before taking any kind of medication after the procedure. This will help you ensure that you do not end up affecting the Botox procedure in any way.

Washing the face

After your treatment is completed, you should not wash your face for at least a few hours. Then you should wash it twice every day. After that, you should just maintain this frequency until you get the desired results. If you do not want to stick to anti-septic soap, you can just try a mild cleanser along with lukewarm water.

About Dr. Stavros Economou:

Dr. Stavros Economou is one of the most trusted professionals who offer fillers in Cyprus solutions. He can easily understand your vision before the treatment and can provide you with the most natural-looking and long-lasting results.

To learn more, visit https://drseconomou.com/


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