Dr. Stavros Economou Offers Advice on Recovery After A Tummy Tuck

One of the biggest concerns of patients who take Cyprus tummy tuck surgery is the recovery process. Anyone who is considering taking this treatment might be concerned about the result, the time it will take to get back to normal, and what to expect from the new normal. 


Without a doubt, tummy tuck surgery requires patients have some downtime after taking the treatment. Plastic surgeon Cyprus like Dr. Stavros Economou make sure that their patients have the most comfortable recovery time after taking the surgery. Below, we have discussed the complete recovery procedure and how it can be made better for the patients. 

Before tummy tuck surgery

Prominent doctors like Dr. Stavros Economou recommend that you try to find out as much as possible about the procedure. Many patients aren’t sure whether they should take the surgery or not. Fear of taking the surgery often results in discomfort. You should understand that fearing the procedure is only going to make the treatment worse. Once you start to gain knowledge about the procedure, you will naturally feel confident and ready to take the treatment. 

During tummy tuck surgery 

Surgeons try their best to reduce discomfort during the surgery. There is not much that you can do as a patient. You should expect a qualified surgeon like Dr. Stavros Economou to handle the procedure efficiently. Careful handling of tissue, use of modern equipment, and modern medications avoid complexities during the surgery. 

After tummy tuck surgery

This is where it gets real. Good support from the doctors, patience, proper medication, and diet are the most important aspects to get past the first week. Your doctor is going to advise you to consider adjusting your lifestyle according to the treatment. For example, you can use a toilet seat booster during the recovery period to get the best results. Toilet booster can help you reduce the pressure on the affected area by helping you increase the elevation of the toilet seat. Along with this, good pain medication and a proper diet is going to help you with the best recovery. 

Make sure to check out Dr. Stavros Economou. Dr. Stavros Economou is an experienced plastic surgeon based in Cyprus. He can assist you in getting the outcomes you want with abdominoplasty in Nicosia. He has received good reviews from his patients. His mission is to provide the most natural-looking appearance and provide a comfortable treatment experience to his clients. 

To know more about abdominoplasty and the recovery process, visit https://drseconomou.com/


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