Advantages of Getting a Tummy Tuck Surgery
Abdominoplasty, sometimes known as "stomach tuck" surgery, should be familiar to you. This is a sort of cosmetic surgery in which extra fat from the tummy is removed in order to remove wrinkles in the abdomen and excess skin around the belly button. It's becoming a popular technique of body enhancement these days, with demand rising year after year. Let us look at some of the advantages of undergoing anabdominoplasty Cyprus and dermal fillers Limassol procedure.
Posture Improvement:
Once you are done with abdominoplasty surgery, the muscles of the
stomach are tightened up, and this can help improve your posture due to
the support that is now available from the core.
Back Pain:
A lot of women face back pain issues after giving birth. This is a
result of weakened stomach muscles that become loose and aren’t able to
support the back properly. Tightening up the core muscles gives support
to the back and helps release tension from the front.
Reduce Pressure from the Bladder: There is a risk in older people of uncontrolled leakage through the urethra when the patient is sneezing, coughing, etc.
Prevent Chances of Inguinal Hernia:
An inguinal hernia is a condition where the lower abdominal muscles are
weakened and are unable to contain the intestine inside. As a result, a
part of the intestine bulges out into the abdominal cavity.
Other than the apparent benefit of appearing younger and active, there
are several medicinal benefits to having the operation. When you decide
to get a stomach tuck, it's critical to choose a surgeon who has a lot
of expertise and is well-versed in the process. The process might take
up to 5 hours in the operating room, and recovery can take weeks.
Dr. Stavros Economou is a member of the European Society of Plastic
Surgeons and a qualified plastic surgeon in Cyprus. He specialises in
facial, body, breast, and skin plastic surgery. Dr. Stavros Economou
finished his residency at Nicosia General Hospital after training at the
Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. Dr. Stavros Economou is a
fantastic choice for anyone seeking a top-rated surgeon in Cyprus since
he offers so many treatments and has so much expertise. If you are
looking for an abdominoplasty in Limassol, Dr. Starvos Economou is also seeing patients from Limassol.
About Dr. Stavros Economou:
Dr. Stavros Economou is a board certified plastic surgeon who is an expert on Botox Cyprus.
For more information, visit

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