Know These Things Before Getting a Nose Job Done


Are you thinking about getting nose surgery? Is it because your crooked nose is making you look bad? Do you want to change its size? Do you want to change its angle? Or do you simply want to reshape the tip? Well, no matter what you want but before you go to get nose surgery, there are a few things we want you to know.

First, rhinoplasty Cyprus would make your life better as this surgery has improved the lives of so many people. Now, this does not mean that a nose job would entirely change how you look. To help you understand more about this surgery, we have listed a few points. You can scroll down to have a look.

     There is no such thing as a perfect nose: When you are getting rhinoplasty, we want you to know that there is nothing like a perfect nose. If you think that you would get that perfect nose after the nose job is done, don’t keep any unrealistic expectations.

     Rhinoplasty results take time: When you are going to get rhinoplasty surgery, make sure that you have enough time for it. If you just go out and decide any day you want surgery, you should think twice. Also, you should wait for the results because it also takes time.

     It is more uncomfortable than painful: The best thing about rhinoplasty surgery is that it is not painful, but it is uncomfortable.

     You should not wear glasses: Once you have got rhinoplasty surgery, make sure that you avoid wearing glasses for nearly 6 weeks.

     Take leaves from work: If you wish to have a better recovery, you should take at least 2 weeks off from your work.

If you think that you are ready for rhinoplasty treatment, you can visit the website of Dr. Stavros Economou. He is a reputed plastic surgeon Nicosia who started a clinic so that people can easily and quickly get the right kind of rhinoplasty treatment. He has a team oftalented and experienced professionals at this clinic.

Other than rhinoplasty treatment, you can also book an appointment with Dr. Stavros Economou for getting other plastic surgery procedures like tummy tuck surgery, Botox, liposuction, arm lift, and more. If you want to know more about these surgeries, you can visit the website of Dr. Stavros Economou.

About Dr. Stavros Economou:

Dr. Stavros Economou is a trusted plastic surgeon who you can go to know about abdominoplasty cyprus.

For more information, visit


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