Breast Augmentation: A Clinically Proven Treatment to Get Symmetrical Breasts

You are all set to go for a beach party and would no longer hold the excitement to wear a bikini for the time. But, the one thing which has etched on your mind is how well you can flaunt your gorgeous body despite having less-curvaceous, not-so proportionate breasts! What is the point of wearing it if you cannot confidently exude your femininity? Now, you would no longer have to dwell over it as medical science has brought a lot of treatments which have improved the physical aspects of women and bestowed them with beautiful features. The prevalence of breast augmentation has dissolved many breast-related issues and given a voluptuous and symmetrical to the silhouette. It is a new-age medical procedure which can effectively balance the uneven breasts and allowed women to regain their confidence and self-esteem. 

Over the years, the shape of breasts changes gradually due to the hormonal cycles during menstruation and pregnancy. These changes get even more noticeable after pregnancy! The breasts often tend to decrease in size and hence, become less perky and youthful. Many surgeons have performed breast augmentation and have brought smiles on the faces of women. They make use of silicone implants, a prosthesis which alters the shape and size of the breasts, giving it an increased projection and fuller shape. Before placing the silicone implants, the quality of the skin, width of the chest and amount of relaxation of breasts are carefully determined. These implants are designed in a way to provide extra protection and cover and leaving the muscles intact.

If you are looking forward to having silicone implants to give you natural and beautiful breasts, you should look nowhere and consider Dr. Stavros Economou. He is a renowned reconstructive and cosmetic plastic surgeon in Limassol, Cyprus who has given natural-looking improvements through his impeccable breast surgery Cyprus. One of the prominent members of the European society of plastic surgeons, Dr. Stavros Economou has received huge accolades and appreciation for his concern for the community and generosity which has what made him the most remarkable plastic surgeon in Cyprus. Besides breast augmentation, Dr. Stavros Economou also provides commendable plastic surgeries for body contour, face, skin, etc. 

About Dr. Stavros Economou: 

Dr. Stavros Economou is the best plastic surgeon who is known for providing effective rhinoplasty Cyprus treatment. 

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