5 Tips for a Speedy Recovery

1. Don't measure yourself after surgery. Many patients get excited about showing off their new body right away, and might be discouraged by how they look and feel right after surgery. Remember, if you are planning to have liposuction Cyprus, there will be swelling and it will last for weeks. Your body will also retain water more than usual, so your scales will be inaccurate too especially for procedures like lip fillers Cyprus. You can reduce swelling after a Rhinoplasty Cyprus by drinking plenty of fluids, going to the washroom regularly, cutting back on sodium and moving around leisurely to help with circulation.

2. After your first post-op appointment you'll be allowed to begin showering again. When you start to bathe again it's recommended you use lukewarm water. Avoid using hot water for a while because when you remove your compression garment your blood vessels will relax, and hot water will cause them to relax even further. If they get too relaxed too quickly, this can cause a fainting episode.

3. If you have a shower that is large enough, you may want to try a shower chair. This might be more comfortable than trying to shower in a half bent over position. You might also want to ask a friend or significant other to help you wash your hair in the sink, saving you some pain and discomfort the first days following a Rhinoplasty Cyprus.

4. Around your second week of recovery it will be important to keep your skin relaxed to allow it to heal fully. This will mean keeping the head of your bed elevated and your knees bent while resting, and staying a little bent over when you get up and walk around. Don't try to stand up straight yet! That might pull on the wound too much and make scarring worse.

5. When choosing your recovery entertainment for example after liposuction in Cyprus, consider skipping the comedies. Comedies are very therapeutic, and you may have fond memories of laughing your sick days away as a child, but this is different. Your abdominal muscles will be quite sore, and belly-laughs are something you'll want to avoid for at least the first few days even for simple procedures like tummy tuck surgery.


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