Dr. Stavros Economou: The Only Abdominoplasty Expert You Need

There are times when our body demands attention. It is upon us to choose to overlook it or get into a rut of complacency. One of the biggest body problems people face these days is obesity; the problem of excess tummy fat to be specific. One can come across people of all age groups who are going through this. This can seriously limit our body exercises. Hence, in the long run one’s body will face real troubles if overlooked. One of the most preferred solutions to excessive tummy fat is abdominoplasty. If you are looking for a plastic surgeon Cyprus for the procedure of abdominoplasty then make sure to check out Dr. Stavros Economou. He is a leading plastic surgeon who has helped multiple patients achieve the results they were looking for. He is a certified plastic surgeon who can help you get a firmer tummy. Some of his best features include: • Experience : This is probably the first thing people look for in a plastic surgeon. An experienced plastic surgeon is well-vers...